Nebraska Paralegal Services, LLC
Freelance Paralegal Services
Who We Are
Professional freelance paralegals with 20+ years of experience.
What We Do
We provide cost-effective paralegal support on a project-by-project basis.
Reach Out
Your attorneys need more time to practice law. We can help.
A High-Quality Alternative
Whether working as part of a legal team or independently, Nebraska Paralegal provides a high-quality, cost-effective alternative to the delivery of your legal services, thus improving the efficiency of your operations.
What Our Partners Say
“They have always exceeded my expectations. Competent, timely, excellent work product, confidential and innovative.”
“Assisted in every aspect of defense including pleadings, discovery, witness communications, exhibit preparation, jury instructions, assisting at trial, and power point production of opening statements and closing arguments.”
“Conscientious, hard working and responsible.”